If you are looking for a cosy winter accessory, you should try the shearling bags for the season. They are the new trendy hottest bags around and the demand for this winter accessory is a sell out case. Brands and our favourite retailers have just what we’re looking. They’ve designed this conservative bag in totes, in full fleece, in part leather and so on. The price range are very affordable and you can either go high or go low. You go high with luxury designer brands and go low with high street brands.
The fluffy hand bag can be paired with a day look like jeans, top and boots. I won’t advice to match it with your favourite fleece jacket as this might be too much. But a fleece at a time. You can have your fleece in your boots and keep everything else simple or have it your bag like the shearling bags only or just in your coat.
They are work appropriate, you carry it just to have drinks with your friends and for running errands. The fluffy shearling bags are the winter carryall you should have in your closet this winter.
Here are the top trending picks in the market right now:
Medium coated canvas and shearling lola bag
Glamourous Exclusive cross body bag in tan with cream shearling teddy trim
Cult Gaia
Estelle mini ivory faux shearling top handle bag
£252.00 CYBER WEEK at Harvey Nichols
Baozi shearling and leather cross-body bag
£364.00 CYBER WEEK at Harvey Nichols
Glamorous Exclusive shopper bag in black with teddy trim
Love Moschino shearling tote bag in black
Yootah sherpa backpack in black