That time of the season where we look back and take stock of what we have and should have in our wardrobe is here, despite the fact that spring is only a few months away, surprisingly, it’s also the time where the weather gets to its peak and when the survival instinct kicks in. The first place we stop is at new arrivals section of our favourite stores searching for the most stylish cosy pieces to invest in.
As convenient as online shopping can be it can quickly get overwhelming and knowing what to invest in and not is not always straight forward – which is why we also advice to make a list of what you have in your wardrobe, and what you’d like to add. The first place to start when looking for a few pieces to survive the last few months of the cold weather season is to look into practicality of what you want – remember we want to cult finds not trending now.
Think of what you can add to look keep extra warm without looking too heavy and out of style – I’d recommend you read through our article on act of layering in autumn winter season. Create a budget to help you keep focus on what’s needed and study your wardrobe to know what the gaps are.
Here are the new season arrivals at our favourite stores below: