Arts & Lifestyle

Calming Stress-Relieving Tricks You Should Try

Taking time out to disconnect from all activities to ease the cortisol(hormone that’s responsible for most health problems) is a good way to take care of ourselves. For when you’re on the verge of imploding or exploding, then it’s time to re-evaluate.

It’s time for us to get creative at finding ways to deal with stress because reality is, even with care, stress is hard to avoid altogether.

Here are a few tricks to taking control when pressure builds and inevitable:


These  questions should be your guide to evaluate your wellness within, you can focus on them wherever you are either at the gym, your yoga class or during any physical activities that boost your energy level;

“The questions you want to ask yourself are:

· Am I at a 10?
· What am I choosing to do with my body?
· What am I choosing to focus on?
· What am I saying to myself?”

The tricks to these unavoidable life’s stress are;



It’s as simple as that, take a step back to change you body position  and smile, you’ll find out you can handle any situation differently while in control.



Reaching your goals should always be your focus but shouldn’t be the foundation of our happiness. Can you focus on the feeling of happiness while in the process of achieving your goal, and not on the content so much i.e having a house is the goal, the process might take time, so while in the process of getting to your goal, which is buying a house, please make-sure the process is enjoyable. Don’t let a house be the source of your happiness. Having desires can be a good thing for a go-getter but don’t be dragged around by your desires, because it’ll be a continuous struggle. Try to enjoy the process of reaching that goal.”



Taking time during the day to take three deep breaths is great start to help your diaphragm. “Muscle activation is all about the psoas—The psoas is a deep-seated core muscle connecting the lumbar vertebrae to the femur. The psoas is the biggest and strongest player in a group of muscles called the hip flexors: together they contract to pull the thigh and the torso toward each other. Due to stress, we are in a compressed body position. The psoas, glutes, and diaphragm shut down completely. If the diaphragm, which for me is the primary organ of respiration, is shut down, then you’re going to have to breathe into your chest, and when you breathe into your chest, then you’ll overstimulate the nervous system. Everything is on overdrive. When you’re in fight-or-flight mode, the blood flows to your extremities, not to your brain, so you’re not thinking logically. With muscle activation, we want to get the breath into the diaphragm, so that it switches the nervous system over to rest and recovery mode.

When you run, you can keep your arms down, but shimmy your shoulders so you have a really relaxed upper body. Or even just stand and shimmy your shoulders will help. The fact that we are constantly holding things in our hands, can create tension up through our arms, neck, and shoulders.

So let 2020, the start of new decade be the start of taking care of your spiritual wellness.