Running is the most effective way to keep your body fit, healthy and toned, it helps every part of the body and the benefits is enormous but how can you start?
When you embark on the journey of healthy lifestyle how starting is always the most difficult and not only that, to keep it as everyday routine is another. The thought of waking up in the morning in a frosty weather is the most fearful thought but the truth is it only takes one step at a time to get there.
Running offers a vast range of health benefits in both mental and physical benefits – it extends lifespan, prevents osteoporosis, diabetes, & cardiovascular disease it improves brain function and once you are able to commit to it as part of everyday lifestyle ‘congratulations’!
The best way to start running is to start small then build up – start by walking and stay committed to it – meaning be consistent until you’re used to just walking. This will help to strengthen the muscle and tendons of the legs so as to be able to withstand running, continue with just walking for 30 minutes three to four times a week then move on to brisk walking also for 30 minutes three to four times in a week – do both walking to brisk walking over 4 weeks.
Then increase the speed to walking and running where you alternate between walking and running. Do 5 minutes of running then switch to 1 minute of walking, continue with this cycle for 30mins three to four times a week once confidence kicks in, you can switch to 30 mins continuous running.
The key is not to be too quick to increase time or speed as this can lead to frustration and whatever you’re building can come down crumbling. Patiently, build endurance before increasing the speed.
To keep motivated, stick to what you can achieve without fail, set a realistic number of times you can run in a week to allow you body to ease in and adapt. A picture of how you want your body to look like is also motivating, if not yours try celebrities. When running keep your chest up and your shoulders down, ensure your feet lands underneath your hips, always position your body in a straight line from head to toe. Keep your elbows tucked to your waist which allows the rest the hand to follow when running – this help you keep forward motion to prevent unnecessary tension. Finally, ensure your footfall is a soft landing.
Sometimes running can put a lot of pressure on the lower bag to avoid injury during running learn to add some mini exercises to strengthen the glutes – adding squats is advisable and don’t forget to hydrate – a little sip as you go will keep dehydration away.