Arts & Lifestyle Entertainment

Akah And Claire’s Honeymoon

Akah Nnani -Nollywood actor and his new wife Claire Idera now Claire Nnani both recently got married early last year April 8 2018 have now decided to share there special day with us.

The honey moon was said to be at Mauritius, the wedding was beautiful and the honey moon was romantic:

Akah Said:

So we finally got the chance to upload our honeymoon video here on Akah Bants. Basically, we haven’t put up anything in a long time because we have been settling into this thing called marriage.

We have been working it and also focusing on us, not the camera. We know you guys love and support us and we love you right back!! We see you also followed us on our new channel ‘AkahandClaire’ yaaay!! Thanks!

Okay! So we went to Mauritius for our honeymoon and to be honest, we didn’t make too much footage because… It’s our honeymoon. Its meant to be for us… But anyway, we are doing a recap here and hope you enjoy it. Big shout out to Travelstart and Kenya Airways for providing amazing flight experiences for us!!

Love, Akah Nnani.

Check out the video below:


YouTube video
