The future of handbags is in the hands Louis Vuitton’s as the luxury brand gave us glimpse into the future of hand bags. The Louis Vuitton Cruise 2020 show showcased a few bags with TV screens.
The collections which are called’Canvas Of The Future’, the brand’s classic monogrammed bags has the screens embed in them. Nicolas Ghesquiere basically took us to the future and the past. The screens are made of AMOLED technology, making it possible to make the screens flexible enough to follow the shapes of the bags. They’re the same LED lights on your fancy smartphone and offer 1920 x 1440 resolution.
Wearable technology is taking over the fashion world and is a talking point in 2019 now that we can watch our favourite TV shows in our Louis Vuitton bags. Details on the bags are yet to be released but I wonder if they will also need an upgrade like our Iphones and Androids.
By Lola Joseph