When it comes to taking care of your bikini line area, extra care and precautions are very necessary, as the skin around this part of the body is very sensitive yet the hair that grows on this tender area is very tough. To avoid the bumps and irritations that come with the bikini line, professionals advise always preparing the areas in other to achieve a good result that will make all the difference.
The first step in preparing your bikini line for trimming is to always exfoliate the area before trimming, this produces a long-lasting result (It reduces potential ingrown hair), ensure the pubic skin and hair are clean and dry, then go ahead and trim. As far as the method of trimming goes, it’s also good to know to always hold the skin taut (meaning to slightly pinch the skin in the area you want to trim) with one hand while you trim with the other, with this you will have more control. It is good to note that flattening the area after ‘skin taut’, and going over the area with your bikini trimmer consistently will also deliver a good result. Finally, after trimming, consistent application of moisturiser and essential oil for at least a week after trimming is vital, this will prevent bumps, irritations, and dryness that leads to rashes, etc.
This being said, to maintain a clean silky smooth surface skin, having the right tools at your disposal is very important, the use of a good bikini trimmer prior to removal is essential to achieve an excellent result. Invest in gentle yet powerful tools to make the hair removal process super easy, which is why Covet has curated the 6 best bikini trimmers that will make your DIY body care super easy, continue reading to discover them:

FG1100 Bikini Trimmer