To take your skincare game up a notch try these 3 hacks and you will see dramatic changes in your skin in no time. We most often rely on luxurious skincare products to achieve a smooth flawless skin, despite the fact that a good skincare product is always the starting point but good habits are what help to maximise the benefit of these effective products.
In today’s article we’ll be looking into 3 habits to implore in order to make the most out of our skincare routine:
1. Customise Your Face Mask:
Experience has taught that if you are suffering from dryness the quick way to gain back lost moisture is to invest in a good face mask that works, then apply 3 times in a week. There are many face masks out there that’s not as effective as you’d expect it but not all takes your skin to that place of smoothness, no wrinkles even if hydrating etc. So, due to this, professionals suggest customising your face mask, for example your can add lifting and toning face cream to your face mask to add the benefit of toning and lifting to the skin while gaining back lost moisture – the result? a plumped lifted skin that requires no surgery.
2. Massage When Cleansing The Skin:
Massaging the skin during skincare routine is common when applying moisturiser and oil which aids blood flow, but when you massage as you cleanse does a lot more to the skin than massaging during moisturising. When you massage as you cleanse you are actually getting rid of water retention in the skin cells, it detoxifies, lifts and tones the skin. Invest in balm cleanser or oil cleanser that has more slip in its lather will aid a seamless journey when working around the contour of the face – use a upward and outward motion when doing this.
3. Calm Your Sensitive Skin With Something Sweet:
Manuka honey is known to be a go to when your skin flares up – apply this just after cleansing to calm and bring balance to your sensitive skin. Honey is known for strengthening the skin as well as its incredibly healing properties – anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties. It not only calm the skin but also great for redness and blemishes.